2010 February NA Sprint Phone
Contest : NA Sprint
Callsign : NR5M
Mode : PHONE
Category : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay : ---
Band(s) : All bands (AB)
Class : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/... : TX
Locator : EM10WD
Operating time : 4h00
80 62 0 0 0 62
40 68 0 10 0 68
20 146 0 38 1 146
TOTAL 276 0 48 1 276
TOTAL SCORE : 13 524
Cabrillo Statistics (Version 06g) by K5KA
Callsign: NR5M
Category: SINGLE-OP
Operators: NR5M
-------------- Q S O R a t e S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour 160 80 40 20 15 10 Rate Total Pct
0000 0 0 19 62 0 0 81 81 29.3
0100 0 0 23 56 0 0 79 160 28.6
0200 0 17 18 28 0 0 63 223 22.8
0300 0 45 8 0 0 0 53 276 19.2
Total 0 62 68 146 0 0 276
Gross QSO's=276 Dupes=0 Net QSO's=276
Unique callsigns worked = 203
The best 60 minute rate was 81/hour from 0000 to 0059
The best 30 minute rate was 94/hour from 0001 to 0030
The best 10 minute rate was 108/hour from 0001 to 0010
The best 1 minute rates were:
3 QSO's/minute 3 times.
2 QSO's/minute 75 times.
1 QSO's/minute 117 times.
There were 6 bandchanges and 0 (0.0%) probable 2nd radio QSO's.