2010 NAQP Phone

The NR5M single op configuration with George, NR5M, at the helm.  The station will be returned to the multi-op configuration within the next few days.  It presently takes 2 people about 3 hours to accomplish this configuration change.  The design goal is to bring this transition time down to 1.5 hours.

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - January

Call: NR5M

Operator(s): NR5M

Station: NR5M

Class: Single Op LP

QTH: Hempstead, Texas

Operating Time (hrs): 10


Band  QSOs  Mults


  160:  118    35

   80:  398    54

   40:  304    45

   20:  638    51

   15:   81    22



Total: 1539   207  Total Score = 318,573

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club

Team: CTDXCC Phonies


Lotsa fun!  Thanks for all the q's.

Had to take an early time off when the 20 meter stack had infinite swr.(This explains the 45 rate in hour number 2!)  Wondered why I was not getting answers.  Turns out someone (?) bumped into the 20 meter feed connection.  Not difficult to find but the price one pays when you are working on the station during a contest.  Don't think it cost too much because rate was there until the end.



Cabrillo Statistics      (Version 06g)         by K5KA

Contest: NAQP-SSB

Callsign: NR5M

Category: SINGLE-OP

Operators: NR5M

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------

Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct


1800       0      0      0     61     68      0    129    129    8.3

1900       0      0      0     36      9      0     45    174    2.9

2000       0      0      1    203      4      0    208    382   13.4

2100       0      0      2    135      0      0    137    519    8.8

2200       0      0      0    170      0      0    170    689   11.0

2300       0      0      0     33      0      0     33    722    2.1

0000       0      0    168      0      0      0    168    890   10.8

0100       0     10    118      0      0      0    128   1018    8.3

0200       0    192      0      0      0      0    192   1210   12.4

0300       0    156      0      0      0      0    156   1366   10.1

0400      79     39     12      0      0      0    130   1496    8.4

0500      39      1      3      0      0      0     43   1539    2.8


Total    118    398    304    638     81      0   1539

Gross QSO's=1550        Dupes=11        Net QSO's=1539

Unique callsigns worked = 1187

The best 60 minute rate was 218/hour from 1952 to 2051

The best 30 minute rate was 250/hour from 2002 to 2031

The best 10 minute rate was 276/hour from 2002 to 2011

The best 1 minute rates were:

6 QSO's/minute    5 times.

5 QSO's/minute   49 times.

4 QSO's/minute   90 times.

3 QSO's/minute  174 times.

2 QSO's/minute  136 times.

1 QSO's/minute  110 times.

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