NA Sprint CW Contest - February

Call: NR5M

Operator(s): K5GA

Station: NR5M

Class: Single Op HP

QTH: Hempstead, Texas

Operating Time (hrs): 4


Band  QSOs  Op Time


   80:  114       

   40:  114       

   20:   95       


Total:  323    Mults = 43  Total Score = 13,889

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club

Team: Ditters


Bill, K5GA, tells me that I have a tough call for cw sprint.  Many, including some good ops, need a fill because they are prepped to copy a number and get a call instead. Sorry Bill but I'm not changing my call.

George, NR 50...51 (5T...5A)...or is it NR 5M? I forget!



Cabrillo Statistics      (Version 06g)         by K5KA


Callsign: NR5M

Category: SINGLE-OP

Operators: K5GA

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------

Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct


0000       0      0      0     89      0      0     89     89   27.5

0100       0      0     78      6      0      0     84    173   25.9

0200       0     44     26      0      0      0     70    243   21.6

0300       0     70     10      0      0      0     80    323   24.7


Total      0    114    114     95      0      0    323

Gross QSO's=324        Dupes=1        Net QSO's=323

Unique callsigns worked = 178

The best 60 minute rate was 89/hour from 0000 to 0059

The best 30 minute rate was 100/hour from 0000 to 0029

The best 10 minute rate was 114/hour from 0223 to 0232

The best 1 minute rates were:

3 QSO's/minute    9 times.

2 QSO's/minute   97 times.

1 QSO's/minute  102 times.


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